I’m Back! Life Update: College

So… it has been almost a month since I have posted. I am ashamed. A lot has happened, but I’m glad to be back. I really missed posting. I’ve had some big changes going on in my life that have required all of my energy and attention. Here’s some background info: So for the last two years I was living with my grandparents in Pennsylvania and attending community college while I tried to figure out what I wanted to do career wise. After I finished four semesters, I decided that I wanted to pursue my degree in  Communications. My twin sister had been attending Neumann University for the last two years. Neumann is a small catholic private college right outside of Philadelphia. I decided that I liked the school and they had a good communications program so I applied, got in, and decided that was where I was going to spend the next two years. Caroline and I have been renting an on campus apartment with two other girls, who she has roomed with for her last two years. Living on campus has been an adjustment for me, and I have been really tired and slightly overwhelmed with all of the new people, campus, and classes. I love my apartment and the girls I live with. I am lucky that we all get a long really well, and we have a really mellow place. The past week was made even more crazy by the fact that I was really sick the previous week, and have basically been recovering while also adjusting to life. But I made it through alive, and have a brand new set up for all of my makeup, and I am thinking that for my next post I will talk about that. So what has been up with you guys?

My new apartment building.. kind of an eyesore

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